Project Management & ConsultingWe provide project management and cost estimation services for the civil construction industry Learn more Project Civil was born out of two decades of experience in the civil construction industry in New Zealand Our services include:Quantity SurveyingProject construction programming (Microsoft Project)Civil construction estimating (Benchmark estimating software)Management Supervision Quality Assurance (MSQA)Bid building – both priced and non-priced attributesClaim and variation processingContract review/risk analysis (NZ3910:2013)Contract negotiation Our process Our process Our process Projects Totara Parklands, 400 lot residential subdivision (Totara Parklands Estate Development Ltd)The James, 70 lot residential subdivision (TMB Ltd)Hurupaki, proposed 70 lot subdivision (Hurupaki Holdings Ltd)Onoke Heights, proposed 70 lot subdivision (Onoke Heights Ltd)Interisland Resilient Connection Programme (KiwiRail)Coneburn, proposed 600 lot residential development, stage 1 (Queenstown Housing Ltd)Multi-user ferry precinct Kaiwharawhara (CentrePort Wellington)